
Thanks, Georg!

Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Georg graced us with a note:

Even one year later… Penancecomic just jumped to my mind… Are you still talking about the comic every week? I loved it and read every single frame and would be too happy if you continued it someday.

I think I’ll just add the page to my Google Reader account and wait for good.

I do understand you being a little short of time lately, our third child is nine months now and giving us a time with very little spare time…

Keep on drawing

Thanks for your note, Georg!  Yes, Jenn and I do talk about Penance often, and how we’re looking forward to being able to work on it again.  Right now we’ve decided to make our small children our priority, and as you’ve noticed that doesn’t leave much time for anything else!

I expect as our daughters grow older we’ll have more time to devote to our creative side, but for right now we’re focusing on our family.

Thanks for thinking of us!

Craig and Jenn